Private Residence
North Bennington, Vermont
Derived from a historically rich stone mill, this modern transition into a condominium is enhanced through the designs’ recognition of the importance of relevancy, flexibility and spatial integrity. Concepts that were integral to the designs development included: opening up the space, creating a relaxing environment and maximizing storage space. These ideas were achieved through strategies such as: the removal of columns and walls interrupting the space, providing fixtures and furnishings that enrich user activity and repurposing unnecessary circulation.
The small space tucked into a lower level, with deep window wells and exposure only on the north and west needed to emphasize the connection to the exterior. A clear approach to artificial light was required to offset the cave like feeling. The impediments to openness included structural columns in the middle of living spaces, lack of easy access to tie to the exterior for fresh air, restrictions on exterior façade changes, and environmental requirements due to the massive stone walls.