Getty Campus Heritage Master Planning, Bennington College
Bennington, Vermont
We were commissioned by Bennington College to complete the Campus Heritage project funded by a grant awarded from the Getty Foundation. Bennington College has a passion to preserve the integrity of its historical structures, while continuing to focus on the College’s future. We undertook a comprehensive process of historical planning with our consultant Liz Pritchett, which involved documenting the campus buildings and other significant sites, conducting further research into the historical significance of its buildings, and establishing preservation priorities in the context of its existing master plan. We also created a building by building assessment identifying immediate, short-term, and long term, building needs and deficiencies. This list is being used as one tool in setting yearly capital expenditures and to identify potential projects and donors to complete the work. As a result of this work, the 1996 Sites and Structures Survey by the State of Vermont will be updated for the purpose of nominating the Bennington College Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places.